Delimiting salt inclusions from migrated images is a time-consuming activity that relies on highly human-curated analysis and is subject to interpretation errors or limitations of the methods available. We propose to use migrated images produced from an inaccurate velocity model (with a reasonable approximation of sediment velocity, but without salt inclusions) to predict the correct salt inclusions shape using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Our approach relies on subsurface Common Image Gathers to focus the sediments' reflections around the zero offset and to spread the energy of salt reflections over large offsets. Using synthetic data, we trained a U-Net to use common-offset subsurface images as input channels for the CNN and the correct salt-masks as network output. The network learned to predict the salt inclusions masks with high accuracy; moreover, it also performed well when applied to synthetic benchmark data sets that were not previously introduced. Our training process tuned the U-Net to successfully learn the shape of complex salt bodies from partially focused subsurface offset images.
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We propose a technique for learning single-view 3D object pose estimation models by utilizing a new source of data -- in-the-wild videos where objects turn. Such videos are prevalent in practice (e.g., cars in roundabouts, airplanes near runways) and easy to collect. We show that classical structure-from-motion algorithms, coupled with the recent advances in instance detection and feature matching, provides surprisingly accurate relative 3D pose estimation on such videos. We propose a multi-stage training scheme that first learns a canonical pose across a collection of videos and then supervises a model for single-view pose estimation. The proposed technique achieves competitive performance with respect to existing state-of-the-art on standard benchmarks for 3D pose estimation, without requiring any pose labels during training. We also contribute an Accidental Turntables Dataset, containing a challenging set of 41,212 images of cars in cluttered backgrounds, motion blur and illumination changes that serves as a benchmark for 3D pose estimation.
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Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods can adapt large language models to downstream tasks by training a small amount of newly added parameters. In multi-task settings, PEFT adapters typically train on each task independently, inhibiting transfer across tasks, or on the concatenation of all tasks, which can lead to negative interference. To address this, Polytropon (Ponti et al.) jointly learns an inventory of PEFT adapters and a routing function to share variable-size sets of adapters across tasks. Subsequently, adapters can be re-combined and fine-tuned on novel tasks even with limited data. In this paper, we investigate to what extent the ability to control which adapters are active for each task leads to sample-efficient generalization. Thus, we propose less expressive variants where we perform weighted averaging of the adapters before few-shot adaptation (Poly-mu) instead of learning a routing function. Moreover, we introduce more expressive variants where finer-grained task-adapter allocation is learned through a multi-head routing function (Poly-S). We test these variants on three separate benchmarks for multi-task learning. We find that Poly-S achieves gains on all three (up to 5.3 points on average) over strong baselines, while incurring a negligible additional cost in parameter count. In particular, we find that instruction tuning, where models are fully fine-tuned on natural language instructions for each task, is inferior to modular methods such as Polytropon and our proposed variants.
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尽管在许多具有挑战性的问题中取得了成功,但增强学习(RL)仍然面临样本效率低下,可以通过将先验知识引入代理人来缓解。但是,在加强学习方面的许多转移技术使教师是专家的局限性假设。在本文中,我们将增强学习中的行动作为推理框架 - 即,在每个状态下的行动分布,类似于教师政策,而不是贝叶斯的先验 - 恢复最先进的策略蒸馏技术。然后,我们提出了一类自适应方法,这些方法可以通过结合奖励成型和辅助正则化损失来鲁sumply动作先验。与先前的工作相反,我们开发了利用次优的动作先验的算法,这些算法可能仍然传授有价值的知识 - 我们称之为软动作先验。拟议的算法通过根据教师在每个州的有用性的估计来调整教师反馈的强度来适应。我们执行表格实验,这表明所提出的方法达到了最先进的性能,在从次优先的先验中学习时超过了它。最后,我们证明了自适应算法在连续动作中的鲁棒性深度RL问题,与现有的策略蒸馏方法相比,自适应算法显着提高了稳定性。
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由于可以自主使用的广泛应用,无人驾驶汽车(UAV)一直脱颖而出。但是,他们需要智能系统,能够提供对执行多个任务的看法的更多了解。在复杂的环境中,它们变得更具挑战性,因为有必要感知环境并在环境不确定性下采取行动以做出决定。在这种情况下,使用主动感知的系统可以通过在发生位移时通过识别目标来寻求最佳下一个观点来提高性能。这项工作旨在通过解决跟踪和识别水面结构以执行动态着陆的问题来为无人机的积极感知做出贡献。我们表明,使用经典图像处理技术和简单的深度强化学习(DEEP-RL)代理能够感知环境并处理不确定性的情况,而无需使用复杂的卷积神经网络(CNN)或对比度学习(CL),我们的系统能够感知环境并处理不确定性(CL),我们的系统能够感知环境并处理不确定性。 。
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